High Streak European Blackjack Gold
High Streak European Blackjack Gold Series (Microgaming) Rules & Strategy Card - How To Play

Running alongside the normal blackjack game, this side bet offers more winnings and gives the game a real edge of excitement and action not present in some other blackjack variants. To that end, a payout of 10:1 on 4 successive winning blackjack games can really make a serious impact on your credit.
High Streak Feature
With new European Gold version Blackjack game just got better. This enthralling game enhances the refinement of the basic blackjack game by adding the possibility of extra payoffs if you have a winning streak. After a player has achieved a win in the standard game, the High Streak feature is triggered, with the first High Streak win paying 1:1, the second consecutive High Streak win paying 2:1, the third 5:1 and, for those on a major winning streak, the fourth at 10:1! The High Streak facility adds another dimension to an already action-packed and popular game of chance.
How to play High Streak European Blackjack Gold
The object of Blackjack is to beat the Dealer by either obtaining the highest possible hand without exceeding 21, or by the Dealer's hand going bust. In this version of Blackjack (European), you can only bet one hand at a time. All face cards (Kings, Queens and Jacks) have a value of ten (10) and the Aces can have a value of one or 11. Please refer to the basic blackjack rules to learn more about the game terms and rules.General Rules in Brief:
- 2 card decks
- Dealer stands on all 17
- You may double after a split
- You may only double on hard 9 to 11
- No re-splitting (1 split)
- Player may draw multiple cards to split Aces
- No surrender is allowed
- No peek
- No hole card (player loses total bet if the dealer has Blackjack)
Splitting Rules
You can split 2 cards that have the same denomination, such as a J-10, or two Sevens. Your hand is divided into 2 separate hands and a bet equal to your original bet is placed on the second hand. If you split a pair of Aces and then draw a card with a value of 10, this is not considered a Blackjack, it has a value of 21. You can split a maximum of once per game, equaling 2 hands.
Double Down Rules
You can double down if the value of your first 2 cards is 9, 10 or 11. The Double Down bet is equal to your original bet. You can only double down once per hand. Double Down after a Split is not allowed.
The AutoPlay option enables you to automatically play a selected number of consecutive hands without clicking buttons. AutoPlay uses the advanced Blackjack Strategy Table that can be modified for your needs.
Game Statistics (Stats button) enable you to view information about your current game session: the number of hands played, the winning combinations, the percentage of winning combinations, 3 highest wins, Dealer's Final Hand stats, Starting Hand Comparisons and more.
Customizable Strategy Table
The Blackjack Advanced Strategy table is used during AutoPlay mode and enables you to define your personal game strategy (Click the Strategy button). The Strategy table is only available in Expert Mode and can also be used as a learning aid - just choose your options to create your own strategy to beat the Dealer.Note: The Default strategy is just a basic strategy table. Correct the strategy table using our European Blackjack Strategy Card below for the better odds.
When the dealer is dealt an Ace you are allowed to make an insurance bet, if you wish. The Insurance bet costs half your original bet and pays out 2 : 1 if the dealer gets Blackjack. You lose your original bet in this case. If the dealer does not get Blackjack you lose your insurance bet i.e. just a half of your original bet. Insurance is not recommended in this game and most other versions of blackjack.
High Streak European Blackjack Gold Strategy Card
You should keep the regular optimal blackjack strategy for the European rules in order to decrease the house edge to the 0.42%. Optional side bet has much higher house edge and can be used for adding some action or/and in a betting system.
Blackjack strategy is printed as table with the dealer's up card the first row and player's 2 card combination the second column. The entries in the table tell you whether you should Hit, Stand, Double Down or Split depending on the different combinations of dealer and player's hands. Optimal High Streak European Blackjack Gold strategy tables for Microgaming casinos rules are shown above for hard totals, soft totals, and player's pairs for the base blackjack game.
Today Microgaming casinos offer over 25 different versions of Blackjack
Vegas Downtown, Vegas Strip,
Atlantic City Blackjack,
European, Spanish 21,
Double Exposure,
Triple Sevens progressive blackjack plus Multi-Hand and Gold Series versions of the games (follow
Microgaming menu links to find rules & strategy cards for the other games).